endless possibilities!
endless possibilities!
Food prep is one of the biggest keys to success in consistency and follow through. AND, it makes throwing meals together before or after work such a quick and easy situatuation! Here are a few ways I set myself up for success (I do this on my weekends).
-Cook a pot of grain (rice, quinoa, barley, kamut, oats... get creative!)
-Bake a few potatoes (white, yellow, purple, sweet... get creative!)
-Wash and chop leafy greens (lettuce, spinach, chard, kale... get creative!)
-Legumes (beans, lentils, peas, etc)
Eat the rainbow!
-Season and roast a pan of vegetables for the week
-Slice, chop, grate, julienne some raw beauties
-Quality (even flavored) vinegars
I use my rice cooker to cook rice, lentils, steel cut and rolled oats, quinoa, and really any whole grain I’m feeling for the week. It doubles as a vegetable steamer as well! So, cooking oats with berries in the steamer? Cooking rice with veggies in the steamer? This is how you win at weeknights!