Social Distancing Kinda Comes Naturally…
Journal entry by megan steele — Mar 15, 2020
Some People have expressed concern for me during this time of Pandemic Anxiety. Based on my latest blood test, my immune system has pretty well bounced back since chemo. Yes, there’s a lot of inflammation due to radiation right now, and that does cause my immune system to respond, so it is working pretty at the moment, but I wanted to put some minds at ease about my health and safety at this time. I’m not worried, so you shouldn’t be either.

Honestly, as an introvert, Social Distancing comes pretty naturally to me. Don’t get me wrong, I love people. But in order to have the energy to show it, I need to have time to introvert. Especially when I’m tired. These past 5 weeks have been work, radiation, home. Too exhausted and uncomfortable to do anything else! Just watching way too much Netflix and reading… but only when I’m able to stay awake. Which is not often. If there were actual groceries and toilet paper on store shelves, I’d be too tired to go get them anyway. Actually, I’m too tired to cook as well. So, thanks mom and dad for the chili and the grocery run!

With schools being shut down, my physical body is relieved to have this last full week of radiation off. I have 6 treatments left. My last one is Monday, March 23rd… Like, that’s IT. I’m trying to wrap my mind around this. Yes, I’ll have treatment to handle at home for the next decade and screenings and appointments every few months, but guys! This is it! The HOME STRETCH! I’ve been fighting this beast since mid-July and the worst-best thing I’ve ever been through is coming to a (sort of) end.

I want to throw out some encouragement and peace to you, Reader. This is a time where fear is spreading and infecting people way faster than COVID-19. And maybe a touch of selfishness is finding its way throughout as well. This past year, I experienced fear. I’ve done battle with it and continue to do battle with it over this whole cancer thing, but I feel like, for the most part, I came out the winner. I want to assure you, because I’ve experienced it first-hand, that “God did not give us a spirit of fear and timidity, but a spirit of power, love and self control.” (2 Timothy 1:7) Fear is something you have to capture, hold it in front of you, and ask God, “Is this thing true?” He’s very good at shining light over the situation. Where the virus is concerned, I think we can still care for and take care of each other while also being careful not to put each other at risk. I know this, because many of you carefully took care of me and my needs during a time when my immune system was at risk! It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever experienced! I would like to take what I’ve learned from you and return the favor. I want to be a part of restoring people’s faith in humanity and God.

During this time, if there is something I have to offer that you have a need for, please let me or Jeramy know. My prayer life has grown this year and I’ve just been gifted a lot of time, so if you need prayer for anything, that’s one thing I know I can offer! If you need to borrow some creative juices or problem solving powers, I’ll give you my best! I don’t have a lot of toilet paper, but I do have a lot of soap! And if you’re someone who misses community during this time, Jeramy and I are happy to host what our living room can fit for the church services our church (Salem Alliance) is streaming these next 4 weeks. These aren’t huge offerings, but they’re yours if you want them! I adore you all. Just remember to keep calm, wash your hands, and love each other.