This is the story of a yoga instructor who survived breast cancer, eats plants, and is continually learning how to live a life where joy and grief coexist…
Social Distancing Kinda Comes Naturally…
Journal entry by megan steele — Mar 15, 2020 Some People have expressed concern for me during this time of Pandemic Anxiety. Based on my…
Weird Day
Journal entry by megan steele — Mar 7, 2020 Today was grading day at work. Teachers only, and me in the office. Grading day is when you…
Happy Birthday To Me!
Journal entry by megan steele — Feb 22, 2020 Tomorrow I will be 43. I have done a lot of reflecting as A LOT of life happened while I…
5 O’Clock Shadow
Journal entry by megan steele — Jan 26, 2020 This past week has been a weirdly liberating one. All of the things that had me terrified…
Chemo Schmeemo
Journal entry by megan steele — Jan 3, 2020 Today is a big deal. We left the house at 3am to drop our youngest off at the airport to…
Merry Thanks-Christmas
Journal entry by megan steele — Dec 21, 2019 It’s been a over a month since I’ve hopped on here to process all the things. Thanksgiving…